Zero Trust & SASE
In Search of the holy Grail.
Digital Identities as the Foundation of Zero Trust
Kevin Rossi, Security Consultant, Consulteer InCyber
In a world where cyberattacks are becoming increasingly complex and traditional security approaches are reaching their limits, Zero Trust (ZT) and Identity and Access Management (IAM) are more important than ever. This blog post explores the fundamentals of these concepts and explains why digital identities are the building blocks of Zero Trust - especially in the context of modern IT architectures and the use of SaaS applications, which require centralized IT security and require strong access management.
Zero Trust is often used as a buzzword by many cybersecurity product manufacturers, leading to much confusion. However, Zero Trust is much more than just a buzzword - it is an IT security concept that makes perfect sense in today’s IT landscape and provides a solid Zero Trust strategy.
My colleague Florian Steck attempted to clarify this concept in his blog post Zero Trust & SASE - In Search of the Holy Grail, and I will approach it from a different perspective in this article.
Zero Trust describes a cybersecurity model developed from the “Assume Breach” approach and represents one of the best practices for modern IT security concepts.
The “Assume Breach” approach assumes that an attack on a system or organization is unavoidable or has already taken place. The aim is to minimize the impact of such an attack instead of assuming that a system is completely secure.
Zero Trust extends this approach and is essentially based on the principle of least privileges for all entities (identities, devices, systems, etc.) in a company's overall infrastructure. What does this mean? Simply put, the Zero Trust model assumes that no user, device, application, service or network is inherently trustworthy - neither inside nor outside the corporate network.
At the heart of this concept is the principle of “Never trust, always verify” - in other words, never trust blindly, but always check every access request. This strict access management and the control of every request help to reduce the risk of typical cybersecurity attacks such as social engineering, insider threats, credential-based attacks or similar methods.
The IT landscape has changed significantly in recent years. The migration of enterprise resources to the cloud, hybrid work models, and the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) concept have rendered traditional security approaches obsolete. Today, many employees use various devices or apps to access data and applications.
Who hasn’t quickly checked their emails on their personal smartphone while on the go or accessed a SaaS application like M365 from a cozy café using public Wi-Fi to prepare for an online presentation? These changes bring many advantages but also increase the risk of attacks, necessitating a shift in security strategies.
Traditional security approaches are based on designing network zones with different trust levels and follow the “Defense in Depth” principle. An analogy would be the zoning and fortification of a medieval castle, where multiple security layers, such as a moat and high castle walls, are implemented, and access is regulated through entry points like a drawbridge.
However, these traditional perimeter security models, which clearly separate internal and external IT infrastructure, are no longer sufficient given the increasing complexity of decentralized application landscapes and remote work environments. Instead, modern IT architecture requires continuous verification of every access attempt - regardless of whether it originates internally or externally. This is precisely where Zero Trust comes into play, with its three core principles and best practices:
Authentication and authorization of every access request to any resource
Adherence to the principle of least privilege for all entities
Logging, monitoring, and analyzing all activities with immediate action when necessary
Identity and Access Management is a framework of technologies and processes for managing digital identities and access to IT resources. It serves as the foundation for secure access management and efficient identity administration. The core functions of an IAM system include:
Identity management and provisioning: Creation and management of digital identities
Authentication: Ensuring user identity through passwords, biometric data, or multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Authorization: Defining access rights based on roles or other criteria
Auditing: Logging and reviewing access activities to comply with regulatory requirements
Modern IAM systems, such as the cidaas Identity Platform developed by our partner Widas ID GmbH, offer many additional features that not only enhance user experience but also support Zero Trust principles. Employees, customers, and other individuals can be centrally managed, user behavior can be analyzed, and methods like Smart MFA can be implemented.
Zero Trust relies on IAM and, consequently, on digital identities (users or devices). Since network location is no longer a primary criterion for access control in a Zero Trust security model, the focus shifts to the user and the accessing device. This makes digital identity the cornerstone of a well-designed Zero Trust strategy.
In short: Without robust identity and access management, Zero Trust cannot be implemented!
At the same time, Zero Trust principles enhance IAM security with additional measures such as continuous monitoring, Smart MFA (requiring an additional factor when trust is lost), and centrally managed identities.
Examples of features that integrate these security concepts into a product are provided by cidaas:
cidaas Identity Platform: Centrally manage all users (employees, partners, customers, etc.)
cidaas Fraud Detection System (FDS): Uses behavior-based cluster analysis to detect suspicious activities
cidaas Smart MFA: Enables user-friendly authentication without compromising security
Zero Trust and IAM are essential components of modern IT security strategies. While IAM provides the foundation for managing digital identities and their access rights, Zero Trust extends this approach with a comprehensive security model based on the principle of “Never trust, always verify.”
The combination of these approaches offers companies robust protection against growing digital threats - whether in modern hybrid work environments with distributed apps and diverse devices or traditional on-premise environments.
A clear Zero Trust strategy and consistent IAM measures lead to increased security and help effectively protect enterprise resources.